Diversified Mining and Resources is committed to preventing injuries and ill health of all workers, contractors and visitors. We believe that:

  • All incidents are preventable
  • Everyone is accountable and responsible in identifying and managing risks and hazards associated with the workplace to keep everyone safe
  • Consulting and empowering workers and contractors to participate in the identification, elimination and control of risks and hazards will contribute to continual improvement towards a safe work environment
  • Working with competent people and providing training to support their development will support our commitment to a safe working environment
  • Maintaining our safety management system and complying with relevant health and safety laws, regulations, industry codes of practice, licenses and project requirements shall contribute to continual improvement. 

Diversified Mining and Resources management and supervision are committed, responsible for maintaining the following objectives:

  • Strengthening the implementation of the health and safety system through ongoing communication of company procedures and safety issues to all worker, contractors, and visitors
  • The continuous improvement to the health and safety systems and procedures.
  • Implement health and safety auditing at all our work locations
  • Developing and maintaining a positive safety culture. All workers, at all levels shall take every reasonable care to protect their health and safety at work and the health and safety of others.

This includes:

  • Working safely and keeping the workplace free from hazards
  • Ensuring that you do not endanger other people by your actions or lack of action
  • Ensuring that you use and maintain appropriate PPE • Obeying all site rules and being fit for work
  • Ensuring that you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Complying with company health and safety procedures, instructions, and training. Our procedures are integrated within our management system so that Health and Safety Management, along with all other business activities, are controlled at all stages.



Diversified Mining and Resources is committed to undertaking its activities in an environmentally responsible manner and effectively mitigating any risks that may lead to an impact on the environment.

To achieve this, we will:

  • Comply with all applicable environmental legislation and standards
  • Identify and manage environmental risks within all our operations
  • Prevent pollution, minimise waste and increase recycling
  • Regularly review and upgrade our environmental management system
  • Control our work activities via the education and motivation of our personnel
  • Promote a strong environmental ethic as part of our culture
  • Consider favourably, suppliers who pursue good environmental management practices
  • Conserve resources by reducing the use of raw materials, packaging and energy in manufacture and transport
  • Communicate openly and constructively with environmental stakeholders, government authorities and the community
  • Implement and use management systems to plan, document, measure and monitor environmental performance
  • Continually improve environmental performance through training, management review, research, development, and community consultation.

Diversified Mining and Resources Pty Limited will implement all relevant practices to achieve this end. 

Privacy Statement

Diversified Mining and Resources is committed to ensuring that the personal information it holds regarding its contractors, consultants, job applicants, employees and other individuals is handled appropriately and lawfully, in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Personal information is information relating to an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion provided.

Diversified Mining and Resources will only collect personal information that is necessary for its business functions and activities, or to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.

When Diversified Mining and Resources collects any personal information, as far as is practicable, we will provide the individual information about the purpose of collection, the types of organisations (if any) to which we may disclose the personal information (e.g. clients, pre-employment testing organisations) and any law that requires the particular information to be collected.

Personal information will only be used for the primary purpose(s) for which it was collected and in some cases for related secondary purposes.

When Diversified Mining and Resources needs to use personal information for purposes other than the primary purpose, we will obtain consent where appropriate and necessary.

Other than in cases of emergency, sensitive information will only be used and accessed by other personnel of Native Mineral Resources where there is a clear and compelling need to do so.

Use of information on this website

All information provided on this website has been compiled for your information only.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided on our website is correct at the date of its inclusion, we do not warrant that it is complete, accurate or up to date. Nor do we warrant that accessing our website will not cause damage or that the website is free from computer viruses. Diversified Mining and Resources makes no representations or warranties of any kind about the information provided on the website, however accessed. Diversified Mining and Resources may from time to time, and without notice, make changes to information contained on the website or the website itself. 

By accessing this website, you agree that Diversified Mining and Resources (or any of its related companies) will not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions or any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages or losses, or any other damages or losses whatsoever resulting from whatever cause arising from access to or use of the website or any information obtained either directly or indirectly from the website.  


To the maximum permitted by law, Diversified Mining and Resources and its affiliates, directors, employees, contractors, agents and assigns will not be liable for any damages, equitable or statutory damages or compensation, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or loss of profits whatsoever arising out of any reliance on the information, use or access of, or any inability to use or access, this website or any part of it, or any other site linked to this website. 

Governing Law

Your use of this website and these Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Queensland and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland. 


You accept that your use of this site indicates your acceptance of the Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy